SEA–Collections Project: Workshop on Assessing Museum Objects Using the Significance 2.0 Methodology Held in Brunei

SEA–Collections Project: Workshop on Assessing Museum Objects Using the Significance 2.0 Methodology Held in Brunei
29/8/24, 05.00
The Brunei Darussalam Maritime Museum hosted a two-day workshop on August 8th and 9th, 2024, as part of the SEA–Collections Project. The workshop was attended by twenty (20) curators, museum managers, educators, conservators, researchers, and registrars from the Maritime Museum, as well as museums across Brunei.
The focus of the workshop was on introducing the Significance 2.0 methodology, a guide to assessing the values of objects, which was developed in Australia. The workshop included interactive sessions that allowed participants to apply the Significance 2.0 methodology to four (4) objects from the museum’s collection, namely; (i) Green Glass Bracelets; (ii) Pouring Vessel shaped as an elephant; (iii) Blue coloured Ewer; and (iv) Statue of a woman holding a baby.
This workshop concluded with participants presenting the results of their Significance assessments and new object labels. A discussion was also held on the next steps for the development of the digital exhibition, which will be created in collaboration with museums from Brunei, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Australia.
SEA-Collections is funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade through the Australia-ASEAN Council. The project is led by the Sydney Southeast Asia Centre at the University of Sydney in collaboration with SEAMS, and includes partnership with several museums and institutions in Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, the Philippines, and Australia, with additional funding support from UNESCO.